3" L frame is the best for modernizing your ventilation HEPA filtration. By fixing the clips, it becomes the perfect solution for a high-efficiency filter wall at a low cost.
3" L frame is the best for modernizing your ventilation HEPA filtration. By fixing the clips, it becomes the perfect solution for a high-efficiency filter wall at a low cost.
BLC VERTICAL AUTOMATIC ROLL MACHINE. The main objective is to offer a factory-made system that can be used in a large variety of applications. They can be linked to each other. They are practical and easy to use..
Side access housings are designed for two-stage medium to high (30%-95%) efficiency filtration. Made of 16 gauge galvanized steel, this very unique custom sizing provides enormous range and capacity, allowing our units to accommodate most 2" or 4" prefilters and any 1" header style filter available. Its built-in flexibility will most definitely fit your application: 21", 26", 38" and 42".
The Filter Lock Housing is an easy to use, Made of 16 gauge galvanized steel, its spring activated locking mechanism is designed to accept high efficiency, 1 inch header styled filters, providing a positive seal for each individual filter. With either a 2 or 4 inch track available for standard prefiltering, this unit deserves its reputation as the best Side Access Housing on the market.
The HEPA lock housing is an easy to use. Made with 16 gauge aluminized steel. The spring loading capacity of the locking mechanism maintains a positive pressure of 600 ft. lbs. per filter cell. The Housing can be equipped with either a 2" or 4" prefilter track. This housing is the best choice for maximum tightness assurance.
The HEPA housing is made to resist to high pressure: standard up to 10" W.G. and optional up to 20" W.G. Made with 14 Gauge Aluminized or 304/316 Stainless Steel, the HEPA lock is designed with screw type locking system holds up to 1400 lbs. It is provided with a 2", 4” or 6" prefilter track when prefilters are required. This housing is the best choice for maximum tightness assurance.
Containment Housing is designed to provide air filtration while arresting and containing dangerous or toxic biological, radioactive or carcinogenic materials.
This carbon housing is specifically intended for built-up applications. Structurally reinforced, these modules are designed for multiple stacking and butting to achieve most any desired capacity. Pre-punched alignment holes provide the necessary bolting access for easy installation. Made of 16 gauge galvanised steel, with either 1" or 2" tray or track arrangements available. And 2" or 4" prefilters for initial filtration or system dust, then 2" or 4" after filters for off dusting.
3" L frame is the best for modernizing your ventilation HEPA filtration. By fixing the clips, it becomes the perfect solution for a high-efficiency filter wall at a low cost.